Re: [stella] re: alt.atari.2600.programming

Subject: Re: [stella] re: alt.atari.2600.programming
From: emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Erik Mooney)
Date: Wed, 03 Jun 1998 18:15:39 GMT
>> group, what I'd recommend doing is making up a small FAQ for the group with
>> not much more than a pointer to the stella list and a couple webpages, and
>This is fine, but it has to be someone other than myself because
>Primenet's news-server doesn't support alt.atari.2600.programming.

My news server has it, and I'll volunteer to do this, if I can figure out
how to submit a FAQ to the MIT faq-bot... can't figure out much of anything
from what's available on the site (http or

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