Re: [stella] re: alt.atari.2600.programming

Subject: Re: [stella] re: alt.atari.2600.programming
From: Bob Colbert <retroware@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 1998 07:35:58 -0500
At 06:15 PM 6/3/98 GMT, you wrote:
>My news server has it, and I'll volunteer to do this, if I can figure out
>how to submit a FAQ to the MIT faq-bot... can't figure out much of anything
>from what's available on the site (http or

That would be great!  Make sure you include the charter for the group in it.
You can get that through deja news.  Truth be told - I started the group a
while back, but was rather disappointed at the low number of servers that
it appeared on.  In fact, it didn't even appear on MY server, the one I sent
the control message from, for about 4 months!!!  If you have a tough time
finding the charter, I might have it sitting around somewhere.


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