Re: [stella] Activision-PSX?

Subject: Re: [stella] Activision-PSX?
From: Jon Folkers <jfolkers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 1998 20:16:10 -0400 (EDT)
On Sun, 7 Jun 1998, Glenn Saunders wrote:

> So my advice would be to send feedback to Activision via Email telling
> them you'd like the Cyberpunks to spruce up this product.  Then maybe they
> will listen, because right now I'm stuck against the limitations that come
> from Activision's rigidity.

I'd be happy to speak up, but can you recommend an e-mail address that
will get through?  So often, this kind of thing gets tossed at the point
of entry ...

> I assure you all that you will be disappointed with this Playstation
> offering if they follow through with it according to their original plan.

Considering what they did with the collections for the PC and Mac, my
expectations aren't exactly on fire ...

Here's hoping that they'll do it right!


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