Re: [stella] New Sinking Ship version

Subject: Re: [stella] New Sinking Ship version
From: Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <veilleux@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 09:53:57 -0400

kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> This is a new version of my "Jim's heart will go on" demo. As I
> promised, it's got sound now, and also the additional scanline needed to
> get color on PAL. Also, I've exchanged the shadow color by the $90 you
> suggested. Other than that, nothing has changed, but I'll work on
> further changes, as Piero suggested.
> Ah yes, the tune I play in here was adapted using Eckhard Stolberg's
> sound frequency and note table. Only to mention that too and give credit
> to whom it is due.
> With love (and still many things to improve yet)
> Kurt Woloch

This is pretty neat... The music actually sound like music (which is pretty
rare on the 2600 :) Still one thing that itches : when I try to modify your
code, it seems your kernel takes so much cycles that I can't even uncomment
(!) the LDA playfield0,Y and the STA PF0 (8 cycles in all if I'm correct)
without having some shifting in the graphics :( I also thought about adding
clouds, but since you don't load PF0 in the kernel, they would be pretty ugly,
and when I coded them, they sank with the ship :) Anyways, I did a little
something if you want to change it : makes the shadow a little more

     LDA #Shadowblue
     LDA #Waterblue
     LDY #25 ; Only 25 lines of shadow (Can be changed)
     BNE waterloop1

        LDA #0
        STA PF0 ; Clear playfield graphics so we only get the water
        STA PF1 ; I think I could drop clearing PF0 since it's never set :)
        STA PF2 ;
        LDY #11 ; 11 lines of only water
        STA WSYNC
        BNE waterloop2

    Happy coding :)


Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux (Coordonator of Digital Meltdown)
veilleux@xxxxxxxxx (
ICQ ID : 8604827
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