Subject: Re: About SHIPS.ASM (was: Re: [stella] Jim's heart From: Piero Cavina <p.cavina@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 16:36:36 +0200 |
Piero Cavina wrote: >Maybe not. Try to break the kernel that does the ship body in two parts: I did it, I couln't resist :-) Here's SHIP 1.5, the whole kernel has been reworked, now it works drawing the ship in groups of 4 scanlines, plus from 1 to 3 final scalines.. well, you must look at the code to understand this, as the result isn't very different. The water surface is also "moving"... Kurt, let me know.. it was a very quick job, because there's a lot of soccer on TV now :-)) P.S: to everybody working on a project: please use filenames ending with version numbers when you post binaries or sources.
; The Lifeboat game. ; by Kurt Woloch. Started on June 10th, 1997 ; | ; Wow, did it take one year? ;-) ---------| ; Modified by Piero Cavina June 17h 1998 ; Based on the Game&Watch "Lifeboat" by Nintendo. ; I came onto the idea to write this game when I saw that the game mentioned ; above was sold for $81 at eBay. ; Further pushing of this game idea occured through the film "Titanic". ; I was considering earlier to write a sound demo playing "My heart will go ; on" on the 2600. ; Finally, this game is dedicated to Jim who passed away on June 4th, as far ; as I know. I'm afraid he won't be around anymore to optimize this code, ; but I'll do my best to make it attractive in spite of that. ; His heart will go on in all of us... ; ; The objective of this game is to save as many ship-wrecked persons as you ; can by moving around with the lifeboat. The shipwrecked persons appear ; on the ship and jump down to land on the lifeboat, while the ship is ; slowly sinking - as the Titanic did way back then. ; Now, there's only room for four people maximum in the boat. To empty it ; again, you have to move it to the left or right of the screen, where your ; passengers will jump out of the boat, onto land. Now I know this has ; nothing to do with the Titanic, where there was no water around, but who ; cares... ; ; This game is based on the demo How to Draw A Playfield ; by Nick Bensema 9:23PM 3/2/97, but I don't know how much of this remained ; intact. ; ; OK, let's go to the code itself now. Sorry for my heavy commenting, which ; I know has been offended before on Stellalist, but if you don't want to ; read that, just skip it, or close the file! ; ; OK, now for the programming flow. Usually, it goes like this: ; ; Clear memory and registers ; Set up variables ; Loop: ; Do the vertical blank ; Do game calculations ; Draw screen ; Do more calculations during overscan ; Wait for next vertical blank ; End Loop. ; ; This source code is for compiling with DASM. Frankly, I don't care about ; any other compilers... ; processor 6502 include vcs.h ; The vhs.h file here is a bit special. In fact, I didn't take this one ; anywhere from the list, but took the equates from a listing Distella ; generated... org $F000 ; OK, so this means the code starts at $F000, although in fact the first ; digit is more or less regardless, since I won't refer to any memory ; locations in the ROM by their address, but only by label. ; Now, here come the equates for the variables I use by now: SinkCount = $80 ;This counts the frames until the ship goes down again by ;one line. SinkLevel = $81 ;This counts the lines remaining from the ship display. ;At this time, I haven't got any men in here. I'll change that sometime... Temp = $82 SoundCount = $83 DecayCount = $84 PlayfieldY = $90 SinkLinesL = $85 SinkLinesH = $86 ;Now, some equates for colors. Since I plan to do a PAL version of this, ; they should be easy to alter. White = $07 Red = $43 Pink = $47 Yellow = $17 Brown = $20 Skyblue = $96 Waterblue = $84 Shadowblue = $90 Start ; Now, we set up the CPU. SEI ; Disable interrupts, if there are any. CLD ; Clear BCD math bit. LDX #$FF TXS ; Set stack to beginning. ; Clear up the whole memory ; Since X is already loaded to 0xFF, our task becomes simply to count ; everything off. ; LDA #0 INCLR1 STA 0,X DEX BNE INCLR1 ; The above routine does not clear location 0, which is VSYNC. We will ; take care of that later. ; ; At this point in the code we would set up things like the data ; direction registers for the joysticks and such. ; In fact, I don't have the joystick in here yet. There's much more to ; come... ; JSR GameInit ; ; Here is a representation of our program flow. ; MainLoop JSR VerticalBlank ;Execute the vertical blank. JSR CheckSwitches ;Check console switches. JSR GameCalc ;Do calculations during Vblank JSR DrawScreen ;Draw the screen JSR OverScan ;Do more calculations during overscan JMP MainLoop ;Continue forever. ; ; It is important to maintain a stable screen, and this routine ; does some important and mysterious things. Actually, the only ; mysterious part is VSYNC. All VBLANK does is blank the TIA's ; output so that no graphics are drawn; otherwise the screen ; scans normally. It is VSYNC which tells the TV to pack its ; bags and move to the other corner of the screen. ; ; Fortunately, Nick's program sets VBLANK at the beginning of the ; overscan period, which usually precedes this subroutine, so ; it is not changed here - and I kept that here. ; VerticalBlank LDX #0 LDA #2 STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA VSYNC ;Begin vertical sync. STA WSYNC ; First line of VSYNC STA WSYNC ; Second line of VSYNC. ; ; But before we finish off the third line of VSYNC, why don't we ; use this time to set the timer? This will save us a few cycles ; which would be more useful in the overscan area. ; ; To insure that we begin to draw the screen at the proper time, ; we must set the timer to go off just slightly before the end of ; the vertical blank space, so that we can WSYNC up to the ACTUAL ; end of the vertical blank space. Of course, the scanline we're ; going to omit is the same scanline we were about to waste VSYNCing, ; so it all evens out. ; ; Atari says we have to have 37 scanlines of VBLANK time. Since ; each scanline uses 76 cycles, that makes 37*76=2888 cycles. ; We must also subtract the five cycles it will take to set the ; timer, and the three cycles it will take to STA WSYNC to the next ; line. Plus the checking loop is only accurate to six cycles, making ; a total of fourteen cycles we have to waste. 2888-14=2876. ; Aaargh, oops! Of course Nick's calculation is wrong here. ; 2888-14 is, of course, 2874. But who cares? ; ; ; We almost always use TIM64T for this, since the math just won't ; work out with the other intervals. 2880/64=44.something. ; LDA #44 STA TIM64T ; ; And now's as good a time as any to clear the collision latches. ; LDA #0 STA CXCLR ; ; Now we can end the VSYNC period. ; STA WSYNC ; Third line of VSYNC. STA VSYNC ; (0) ; ; At this point in time the screen is scanning normally, but ; the TIA's output is suppressed. It will begin again once ; 0 is written back into VBLANK. ; RTS ; ; Checking the game switches is relatively simple. Theoretically, ; some of it could be slipped between WSYNCs in the VBlank code. ; But we're going for clarity here. ; ; Here, we check for the reset switch. Also, we set the background color, ; though this is a bit dirty, but who cares... Nick did it here too. ; CheckSwitches LDA SWCHB AND #1 BNE NoReset JSR GameInit NoReset LDA #Skyblue STA COLUBK ; Background will be cyan. RTS ; ; Minimal game calculations, just to get the ball rolling. ; GameCalc ; ; OK, here we do the sinking. We'll decrease the sink count until it's 0, ; then we'll decrease the value that's left for the ship scanlines. DEC SinkCount BNE NoSinkNow LDA #50 STA SinkCount DEC SinkLevel BNE NoSinkNow LDA #112 ; ship-only height STA SinkLevel NoSinkNow ;Now we took care for making the ship sink, we play a little tune in here. ; What will James Horner think about this? If he ever hears THAT... ;Here we reduce the decay by 1. If it's zero, we pull everything back up, ; start the next note and increase the note counter. DEC DecayCount BNE DecayNotZero ;If the current note holds 0, no new note is set. LDX SoundCount LDA Sound0Freq,X BEQ NoNote0 STA AUDF0 NoNote0 LDA Sound1Freq,X BEQ NoNote1 STA AUDF1 NoNote1 LDA #16 STA DecayCount LDA #15 STA AUDV0 STA AUDV1 INC SoundCount RTS ;Now we take care of decay. The old note decays one beat before the new ; note is played, so we set the volume only if we don't encounter a zero ; in the current note, which means the note will be held. ; Note that this happens only if no new notes were set. DecayNotZero LDX SoundCount LDA Sound0Freq,X BEQ NoDecay0 LDA DecayCount STA AUDV0 NoDecay0 LDA Sound1Freq,X BEQ NoDecay1 LDA DecayCount STA AUDV1 NoDecay1 RTS ; ; DrawScreen first waits for the timer, then for the next scanline. ; DrawScreen LDA INTIM BNE DrawScreen ; Whew! STA WSYNC STA VBLANK ;End the VBLANK period with a zero. ; ; Now the actual playfield is drawn. As stated earlier, I use a reflected ; playfield here. Unlike Nick, I don't set the "score" bit here. In fact, ; I haven't seen much games where this is used. ; LDA #1 ;Set the reflected playfield. STA CTRLPF ; Now, in principle, the first eight scanlines should contain a 6-digit ; score counter, but I didn't include that here. ; So at the moment, when the ship is fully visible, there are 48 empty ; scanlines above it. This is reflected by the graphics data, containing ; 48 empty blocks. That's wasting 48 ROM bytes! Well, maybe I can improve on ; this... ; However, as the ship is sinking, we'll have to draw additional scanlines. ; We do this as follows: We put the remaining visible scanlines to X. ; Then we compare X to 164 (the total scanline number we do until the ; bottom of the ship) and do some WSYNC's until it's equal. LDA #160 ;ship+sky height SEC SBC SinkLevel TAX SinkingLines STA WSYNC DEX BNE SinkingLines SinkingDone ; Initialize some display variables. ; Now we can start to draw the ship itself. ; For this purpose, we load the current ship line into y. ; Then we increment y every line until we reached the maximum lines. LDA SinkLevel AND #%00000011 STA SinkLinesL LDA SinkLevel LSR LSR STA SinkLinesH BEQ DoneShip LDY #0 ;We start at the first line ShipLoop STA WSYNC LDA Forecolor,Y STA COLUPF LDA PF1Graphics,Y STA PF1 LDA PF2Graphics,Y STA PF2 STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC INY CPY SinkLinesH BNE ShipLoop DoneShip LDA SinkCount LSR ORA #Waterblue STA COLUPF STA COLUBK TAY LDX SinkLinesL DEX BMI DoneShip1 STA WSYNC DEY DEY STY COLUPF STY COLUBK DEX BMI DoneShip1 STA WSYNC DEY DEY STY COLUPF STY COLUBK DEX BMI DoneShip1 STA WSYNC DEY DEY STY COLUPF STY COLUBK DoneShip1 ; Now, we have to draw the water, so we set the foreground to blue ; and do another 36 scanlines. (Did I count that right?) STA WSYNC LDA #Shadowblue STA COLUPF LDA #Waterblue STA COLUBK LDY #37 waterloop1 STA WSYNC DEY BNE waterloop1 ; ; Clear all registers here to prevent any possible bleeding. ; LDA #2 STA WSYNC ;Finish this scanline. STA VBLANK ; Make TIA output invisible, ; Now we need to worry about it bleeding when we turn ; the TIA output back on. ; Y is still zero. STY COLUBK STY PF0 STY PF1 STY PF2 STY GRP0 STY GRP1 STY ENAM0 STY ENAM1 STY ENABL RTS ; ; For the Overscan routine, one might take the time to process such ; things as collisions. I, however, would rather waste a bunch of ; scanlines, since I haven't drawn any players yet. ; OverScan ;We've got 30 scanlines to kill. LDX #30 KillLines STA WSYNC DEX BNE KillLines RTS ; ; GameInit could conceivably be called when the Select key is pressed, ; or some other event. ; Well, here's a little flaw. I'd rather put this at the BEGINNING of the ; code, but I'll leave it here for now. At the moment, this is only called ; when powering up the system (or starting the emulator). ; Here we'll set the ship to its full height (not sunk yet) and the sinking ; counter to its normal value. ; GameInit LDA #112 ;Full ship height is 116 scanlines+at least 48 above. ; ^^^ 112? STA SinkLevel LDA #50 ;Ship goes down one scanline every 50 frames. STA SinkCount LDA #14 ;Bring audio volume near maximum STA AUDV0 STA AUDV1 LDA #12 ;Store distortion value 12 for Channel 0 (vocal) STA AUDC0 LDA #1 ;and value 1 for Channel 1 (bass). Sorry I couldn't STA AUDC1 ;do the other instruments, but the 2600 only has got LDA #16 ;2 channels! STA DecayCount ;Do another note every 16 frames. RTS org $FD00 ; This is the sound data. ; Data for Channel 1 (Distortion 12 - Vocal voice) ; A 0 means that the note is held on... Sound0Freq .byte 16,0,0,16,16,0,16,0,17,0,16,0,0,0,16,0 ;Every night in my dreams, I .byte 17,0,16,0,0,0,14,0,12,0,0,0,14,0,0,0 ;see you, I feel you. .byte 16,0,0,16,16,0,16,0,17,0,16,0,0,0,14,0 ;That is how I know you go .byte 22,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,22,19,17 ;on. .byte 16,0,0,16,16,0,16,0,17,0,16,0,0,0,16,0 ;Far across the distance, and .byte 17,0,16,0,0,0,14,0,12,0,0,0,14,0,0,0 ;spaces between us, .byte 16,0,0,16,16,0,16,0,17,0,16,0,0,0,14,0 ;you have come to show you go .byte 22,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,24,22,19,17 ;on. .byte 16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14,0,0,0,0,0,22,0 ;Near, far, where .byte 10,0,0,0,11,0,12,14,14,0,0,0,12,0,11,0 ;ever you are, I be- .byte 12,0,0,0,14,0,16,0,17,0,16,0,0,0,17,0 ;lieve that the heart does go .byte 19,0,0,0,19,0,0,0,19,0,0,0,24,22,19,17 ;on. .byte 16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,14,0,0,0,0,0,22,0 ;Once more, you .byte 10,0,0,0,11,0,12,14,14,0,0,0,12,0,11,0 ;open the door, and you're .byte 12,0,0,0,14,0,16,0,17,0,16,0,0,0,16,0 ;here in my heart and my .byte 17,0,16,0,0,0,14,0,12,0,0,0,14,0,0,0 ;heart will go on and... ;And now, the bass line (Distortion: 1) Sound1Freq .byte 13,0,0,17,13,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 13,0,0,17,13,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,0,27,19,0,0,27,19,0,17,0 .byte 13,0,0,17,13,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 13,0,0,17,13,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,0,27,19,0,0,27,19,0,17,0 .byte 15,0,0,20,15,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,17,0 .byte 15,0,0,20,15,0,15,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,17,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,0,27,19,0,0,27,19,0,17,0 .byte 15,0,0,20,15,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,0,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,0,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,17,0 .byte 15,0,0,20,15,0,15,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,17,0 .byte 19,0,0,27,19,0,19,0,17,0,0,23,17,0,17,0 ; ; Graphics are placed so that the extra cycle in the PFData,X indexes ; is NEVER taken, by making sure it never has to index across a page ; boundary. This way our cycle count holds true. ; org $FF00 ; ; This is the tricky part of drawing a playfield: actually ; drawing it. Well, the display routine and all that binary ; math was a bit tricky, too, but still, listen up. ; ; By the way, this game works with a REFLECTED playfield. ; ; In PF0 and PF2, the most significant bit (bit 7) is on the RIGHT ; side. In PF1, the most significant bit is on the LEFT side. This ; means that relative to PF0 and PF2, PF1 has a reversed bit order. ; ; PF0 | PF1 | PF2 ; 4 5 6 7|7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0|0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ;PFData0 ; 4 5 6 7 ; .byte $00,$f0,$00,$A0,$A0,$E0,$A0,$A0 ;PFData1 ; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 PF1Graphics .byte $00,$00,$00,$03,$03,$13,$13,$1F .byte $1F,$1F,$1F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$7F,$5B .byte $7F,$7F,$7F,$2B,$3F,$3F,$3F,$15 .byte $1F,$1F,$1F,$0F ;PFData2 ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PF2Graphics .byte $80,$80,$80,$C0,$C0,$C3,$F3,$F3 .byte $F3,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$FF,$B6 .byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$B6,$FF,$FF,$FF,$B6 .byte $FF,$FF,$FF,$FF ; .byte $00,$FF,$00,$EE,$A2,$A2,$A2,$E2 ;PFLColor ; Ship color stripes Forecolor .byte $07,$07,$07,$43,$43,$47,$47,$47 .byte $17,$17,$17,$43,$07,$43,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20 .byte $20,$20,$20,$20 ;PFRColor ; Background color stripes (every 8 scanlines!) ; .byte $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80 ; .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87 ; .byte $77,$76,$75,$74,$73,$72,$71,$70 ; .byte $70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70,$70 org $FFFC .word Start .word Start
Description: Binary data
Ciao, P.
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Re: About SHIPS.ASM (was: Re: [stel, Piero Cavina | Thread | Antwort auf: [stella] Ship demo, kurt.woloch |
Re: [stella] New Sinking Ship versi, Tennessee Carmel-Vei | Date | [stella] Ship Version 1.501, kurt.woloch |
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