[stella] Game project

Subject: [stella] Game project
From: Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux <veilleux@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 21:17:56 -0400

    I have a game project in mind, but I can't seem to figure out a way
to do it with the rather primitive Atari TIA chip :) I involves making a
fullscreen or semi full screen (like 160 FULL horizontal TV lines), that
would be made using the playfield graphics.


|                                                  |

But I some of the square might be missing... I would store the playfield
line by line in 5 bytes (I want 40 horizontal positions, which can be
done with playfield graphics) using Bit per bit encoding since squares
can be either on or off (1 or 0). The problem is : although everything
is just one color, the playfield graphics must be either reflected or
repeated, which is really not what I want :) I anyone knows how to do it
(I think it involves changing the data in the middle of the scanline),
then I would like to know how. Also, I want to know if it is possible to
move a sprite more than 8 units either left or right between each frame
(like at frame 1, it's at position x=0, and frame 2, it's at position

Tennessee Carmel-Veilleux (Coordonator of Digital Meltdown)
veilleux@xxxxxxxxx (www.ameth.org/~veilleux)
ICQ ID : 8604827
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