Subject: Re: [stella] Stella 1.1 out... What's about the Mac?!! From: Ruffin Bailey <rufbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 28 Feb 99 10:18:18 -0500 |
>>As if I didn't have enough reasons to buy a PC as it is... > >I was wondering if you have ever tried Virtual PC? Do any of the DOS >based 2600 emulators work there? Actually yes. I've tried VirtualPC 1.0.1 with a StarMax 3000/180, and the performance is horrendous, at least with PCAE. It works all right, but... not... very... quickly... The games aren't playable or play-testable. Of course many more versions of VirtualPC have come out since then. I did make a .wav file of a few demos with VirtPC and Makewav, but I wasn't able to get them to play easily on my computer. I didn't spend much time on this, however, and I'm still optimistic that this would work. If my 7800 ever comes back from the shop ;) and I have something with which I can use my Super Charger, I'm going to give it another whirl. >There's also a free PC emulator for the Mac, see Whoops. This is $25 shareware now, I'm afraid: >According with the terms of this license, you may obtain, >compile, install, and run BOCHS for up to 30 contiguous calendar >days in order to test and evaluate the software. At the end of >this period, you must either remove BOCHS from your systems or >register your copies. You are allowed such an evaluation >period once for any version of BOCHS, and no more than >2 versions may be 'evaluated' in any calendar year. > >The general registration fee for BOCHS is $25 per workstation, >PC, or X-terminal, and should be paid by check in U.S. funds to: I was really hoping to have these tools on the up and up on the Mac so that people wouldn't have to shell out for an emulator, figure out how to set esoteric settings, and basically have to go through more trouble than it's worth for someone who's "just curious" to get a suite going with which to program for Stella. Thanks to this list in large part, anyone (with internet access and a Mac PowerPC) can do that now. My concern is that it seems the emulation efforts for the Mac are dropping or, for some strange reason I don't understand, being keep relatively secret. If there are advancements to be made (like supporting the multi-sprite trick) and there are people willing to volunteer to help bring those advancements to another platform (Rob), I would hope that the members of this list would strongly support the endeavor as they have in the past. I guess now's a good time to thank you again for all the help you've given and offered to give the Mactari Tools page, so thanks guys! Anyway, that's my 2¢. Ruffin Bailey | Write Atari 2600 games on your PPC Mac! rufbo at | -- Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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