Re: [stella] On the other side of the coin....

Subject: Re: [stella] On the other side of the coin....
From: Mark De Smet <desmet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 00:21:22 -0500 (CDT)
> engrossed in is Kaboom.  Even though it's such a simple (2K!) and

Kaboom! is 'da bomb' (pun intended).  After getting addicted to Kaboom!, I
have found myself more so entranced in "Music Machine".  It is
unfortunitely extremely rare, but a copy can be found at:
It's instructions are equally hard to come by.  The jist is that it is
very much like Kaboom!, but instead of mindlessly catching everything(and
dying when you miss one), there are several types of falling items.  You
must catch the heart(die if you don't), must NOT catch the men(die if you
do), and gain points for the rest(and lose 1/2 points for those you miss).
Extremely addicting.  After many, many hours, I found myself oh-so close
to wrapping the scoreboard over.(takes just over an hour of play to get to
my record of 907800)

But, the point of this thread...

I really dig paddle games, and would really enjoy seeing a new one put
out, especially 4 player ones(I love Warlords).


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