Re: [stella] Missiles and Ball

Subject: Re: [stella] Missiles and Ball
From: "woloch.kurt. :E2-RB.BRZ.BMF.GV" <kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 09:38:37 +0200
At Wed May 26 02:57:23 1999, Glenn Saunders wrote:

>>The absolute best example of using missiles as sprites is in Super
>>Challenge Football.
>Cool, any other examples?

I think in Activision's "Seaquest", the divers you should pick up are
generated this way. They have to be, because there are two other sorts of
objects (your submarine and the enemies) drawn in the same scanline - in
different colors!

Also, in Atari's "Road Runner", the cars are missiles and/or balls, because
the two players are already assigned to Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote. (I
think this was discussed here before)

With love, and many missiles and balls to misuse
Kurt Woloch

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