Re: [stella] Thinking... [nearly ot]

Subject: Re: [stella] Thinking... [nearly ot]
From: Colin_Hughes@xxxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 16:04:36 +0100

The whole screen flashes white for a frame, and you get a hit when the beam
update hits the part of the screen that the gun is pointing at.
( If you have a light background you can sometimes get away without a flash )
Simply count cycles and scanlines to work out the position...

On the VCS you'd be better of with the flash option - as you don't need to
maintain a screen kernal for that frame - allowing better accuracy for the gun.


Ruffin Bailey <rufbo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> on 27/05/99 14:54:28

Please respond to stella@xxxxxxxxxxx

To:   stella@xxxxxxxxxxx
cc:    (bcc: Colin Hughes/WH/UK/SCEE)
Subject:  Re: [stella] Thinking...  [nearly ot]

>The NES uses
>this trick in light-gun games - when you pull the trigger, it draws an
>entire frame of white while looking for the light-gun position.
>Clever, no?

I thought that the gun games flashed a bright light from one small area of
the screen, and if that light entered the lens of the gun a hit was scored.
 If the entire screen flashed white, I'm not real sure how the game could
record the hit.

Are you saying that the hit-or-miss event was recorded _before_ the flash,
and the flash was a pause in which the game could process whether or not a
hit was recorded?  I suppose that would make sense as well.

I've wondered about a light gun game for the 2600 before (what with
Crossbow on the 7800, iirc), but seeing how far my platform game has come
in the last, oh, two years?!?!, I haven't invested any time in making one
yet...  ;^)  But that doesn't stop one from dreamin', eh?

Ruffin Bailey
2600 on the Mac blah blah

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