Re: [stella] Thinking... [nearly ot]

Subject: Re: [stella] Thinking... [nearly ot]
From: Erik Mooney <emooney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 11:33:36 -0400 (EDT)
> I thought that the gun games flashed a bright light from one small area of
> the screen, and if that light entered the lens of the gun a hit was scored.
>  If the entire screen flashed white, I'm not real sure how the game could
> record the hit.  
> Are you saying that the hit-or-miss event was recorded _before_ the flash,
> and the flash was a pause in which the game could process whether or not a
> hit was recorded?  I suppose that would make sense as well.

It looks for the _position_ of the gun (not for a hit of any particular
duck) during the white frame.. when the light gun sees the electron beam
(emitting bright white), it tells the NES so, and the NES makes a note of
where it is on which scanline, which is the position of the gun.  _Then_,
it compares the position of the gun with the coordinates for ducks and
other objects.

The whole system does a very good job of fooling the user into thinking
the light gun is able to see and detect ducks, but in reality it's nothing
of the sort.

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