Re: [stella] Missiles and Ball

Subject: Re: [stella] Missiles and Ball
From: "John K. Harvey" <jkharvey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 13:56:53 -0500
>In some games the missiles were used as a starfield.  I believe Star Master
>is one of them.  In others, the missile or ball was used to cover the HMOVE
>lines, in mostly Activision games.

I thought it was done by strobing the HMOVE command at the beginning of
EVERY scanline.  I thought that the ladders in Pitfall were made up of the
ball graphic.  The Player1 graphic would be the Wall, and Player0 would
obviously be our friend Pitfall Harry.

I figure that this would be easier to do, instead of changing the color of
your Player/missile combo after each missile is drawn on a scanline.  One
would have to change HMP0, HMM0, etc on an individual scanline basis, which
could be tough.

Of course, this is just a guess.  So are they eccentric HMOVEs, or just
re-colored missiles or balls?

	-John K. Harvey

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