Re: [stella] chip plot

Subject: Re: [stella] chip plot
From: Chris Wilkson <ecwilkso@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 21:28:11 -0400 (EDT)
On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, John Saeger wrote:

> Well, back in the old days, when printed circuit boards were designed

...with balin whar and twobuhfours. Oak mindya...if sumdeeduh said partical
bard, theyduhbeen laughed outta town!  Yesiree!

Sorry...I couldn't resist.  :P

> with mylar, tape and an X-acto knife, one usually worked with a large
> piece of mylar, 2-4 times the real size and had the design photo-reduced
> using a precision lithography camera.  There are probably some printed
> circuit houses that still have the equipment to do it in your area. 
> Getting the size down to something scannable probably isn't that
> expensive.  Much easier than trying to do it yourself in segments.

Is this a *plot* or a *mask*?  When a person says "plot", I think X-Y plotter
on paper...used to look at the <WIDGET> design.  When they say "mask", I think
about optical film used to actually make the <WIDGET>.

I agree with John.  If you have an actual mask, then reducing it would be
next to trivial.  But (assuming that this is the complete chip in one
picture) I tend to believe that this is a plot because one would need a
mask for each separate layer in the design.


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