Re: [stella] A couple of questions

Subject: Re: [stella] A couple of questions
From: kurt.woloch@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 08:54:40 +0200
>My understanding of the 7800 controller (based on many hours trying to
>figure out how to turn a NES control pad into a 7800 controller) is as

>The left button is wired to Paddle 0, the right button is wired to Paddle
>and they're BOTH wired to Trigger 0.

Hmmm, if this is the way it works, I'm a little confused:

I think I also have such a Pro-line stick (it's that small thing with the
big black knob on top and two red fire buttons left and right, right?), and
I of course tried to use it on all my systems, since it comes very handy for
me as left-handed.
On the C-64, it works fine with all games, but on the Amiga, it works with
some games, and with some it doesn't. According to my knowledge, the Amiga
reads the paddle inputs the same way the 2600 does (except for a circuit
keeping track of the "recharge" bit and storing the scanline where the
recharging was reached in a register for you), so I don't think this is able
to confuse any game made for use with a "normal" joystick, or does it?

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