Re: [stella] A couple of questions

Subject: Re: [stella] A couple of questions
From: Eckhard Stolberg <Eckhard_Stolberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 14:35:02 +0200
At 22:11 17.08.99 -0500, you wrote:

>I believe the 7800's buttons are wired though to the paddle lines via a pair
>of resistors. So it's like going from infinite resistance to
>whatever-value-the-resistor-is resistance.

Looking at the diagram in the 2600 FAQ it seems as if the resistors
are wired between the button line and the ground line and not
between the button line and the paddle line. Also wouldn't the
button line have to put out +5V too to make a setup like this work
with the paddle lines?

>The only game I'm really aware of that does the auto-detect is Asteroids,
>and there it's only so the user has the option of using a 2600 stick.
>Normally the left button is fire and the right button is hyperspace. In
>"2600 stick mode", you have to pull back on the stick to activate

What I meant with 'initialization routine' was that the readme file in
the 7800 dev kit says that a game has to do

LDA  #$14
LDA  #0

to be able to detect the two buttons through the paddle lines. On the
2600 these registers control the console switches and are hardwired,
so that this procedure wouldn't have any effect.

The 7800 switches into 2600 mode if a 2600 game is plugged in. I'm
not sure if the registers for the console switches are affected by
this, but if they are, then 2600 games shouldn't be able to detect
the two buttons through the paddle lines on a 7800 either.

>If I recall correctly, playing Omega Race with a 7800 stick is nearly
>impossible, since pressing the left button makes you fire and thrust

Is this on a 2600 or on a 7800?

Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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