[stella] Bug in pcae?

Subject: [stella] Bug in pcae?
From: Mark De Smet <desmet@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 1999 18:46:17 -0500 (CDT)
I've noticed something, and am wondering if anyone else has had this

When drawing a player graphic in the quadruple wide mode, if you resp0 or
resp1 everyline, pcae only draws the first two bits(2 bits of the
quadruple player, so 8 color clocks).  However, If I resp0, resp1 only on
the first line, pcae draws the entire thing.  The actual vcs draws the
entire thing no matter which way you do it.

Is this a bug, or is there something inherantly wrong with resp0,resp1
every scan line?  I was reseting the players at the same point everyline.
I understand that this is not very efficient,(and kinda a waste of time)
but it still seems fishy that it wouldn't work on pcae.  Anyone ever had
this problem?


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