Re: [stella] new roms on atarihq

Subject: Re: [stella] new roms on atarihq
From: Russ Perry Jr <slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 14:17:46 -0500
>There has been a flood of previously unreleased 2600 roms on atarihq. Stunt cycle, Save mary.. why do they come out just now? :-)

These are on Atari HQ too?  As far as I know they started at Atari 2600
Nexus first, but let me know if that's wrong.

I'm not sure why...  Alex came back, got some holes filled in as far as
released games (only two missing now, and one may have already come in
but just hasn't been posted), and then protos started rolling in.  It
might just be one-upmanship, but let's hope it continues.
||  Russ Perry Jr   2175 S Tonne Dr #105   Arlington Hts IL 60005  ||
||  847-952-9729    slapdash@xxxxxxxxxxxx    VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR!  ||

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