Subject: RE: [stella] a question... From: "Gonzalo" <gonzalorf@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 4 Feb 2001 00:46:51 -0300 |
;> No, the two equates above just assign names to memory addresses. ;> If you store something to var, it will be stored in the RAM at address ;> $80. If you store something to var2, it will be stored in address $82. ;> Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg ;Thanks $Eckhard! That puts things easier to me... I was having ;a nightmare thinking about it... ;Another question: this is my first attemp in stella programming... ;I want to learn to draw 2 players... but qhen they are in the same ;vertical position, ;something is wrong whit their size. I think that I must do something ;whit the Vertical delay, isn't? ;But I don't have any idea about how to do it... I write the VDEL ;rgisters and nothig happen ;Another thing: If I draw the PF0 and PF1, I have again troubles ;whit the size of sprites: ;am I using more cycles than I can? ; Please, somebody help me... my algorithm really sucks, ;which is the best way to draw 2 players?: processor 6502 ORG $F000 include VCS.H VPOS0 = $81 GRAPH0 = $83 SCANL = $82 INDE0 = $84 GRAPH1 = $85 SCANL1 = $86 INDE1 = $87 VPOS1 = $88 Start SEI CLD LDX #$FF TXS LDA #$00 clrstk STA $00,X DEX BNE clrstk LDA #$08 STA INDE0 LDA #100 STA SCANL STA VPOS0 LDA #90 STA SCANL1 STA VPOS1 STA WSYNC LDX #$07 pos1 DEX BNE pos1 STA VSYNC STA RESP0 STA RESP1 STA RESM0 STA WSYNC LDX #$06 vblank LDA #$02 STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA VSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA HMOVE LDA #$2C STA TIM64T LDA #$00 STA WSYNC STA VSYNC STA GRP0 STA GRP1 LDY #192 LDA #$01 STA CTRLPF draw LDA INTIM BNE draw STA WSYNC STA VBLANK frame STA WSYNC ; STY PF0 ; if I do this, there's problems with the size of sprites ; STY PF1 STY PF2 STY COLUPF LDA GRAPH0 STA GRP0 LDA GRAPH1 STA GRP1 CPY SCANL BNE flA LDX INDE0 BEQ flA DEC SCANL LDA sprdata,X STA GRAPH0 LDA colors,X STA COLUP0 DEC INDE0 JMP flD flA LDA #$00 STA GRAPH0 flD CPY SCANL1 BNE flB LDX INDE1 BEQ flB DEC SCANL1 LDA sprdata,X STA GRAPH1 LDA colors,X STA COLUP1 DEC INDE1 JMP flC flB LDA #$00 STA GRAPH1 flC DEY BNE frame switch LDA #$00 STA HMP0 STA HMP1 LDA SWCHA CMP #$BF BEQ left CMP #$7F BEQ right CMP #$5F BEQ rido CMP #$6F BEQ riup CMP #$9F BEQ ledo LDA SWCHA CMP #$AF BEQ leup CMP #$EF BEQ up CMP #$DF BEQ down JMP over up LDA VPOS0 CMP #191 BEQ over INC VPOS0 JMP over down LDA VPOS0 CMP #0 BEQ over DEC VPOS0 JMP over left LDA #$20 STA HMP0 STA HMP1 JMP over right LDA #$D0 STA HMP0 STA HMP1 JMP over rido LDA #$D0 STA HMP0 LDA VPOS0 CMP #0 BEQ over DEC VPOS0 JMP over riup LDA #$D0 STA HMP0 LDA VPOS0 CMP #191 BEQ over INC VPOS0 JMP over ledo LDA #$30 STA HMP0 LDA VPOS0 CMP #0 BEQ over DEC VPOS0 JMP over leup LDA #$30 STA HMP0 LDA VPOS0 CMP #191 BEQ over INC VPOS0 JMP over over LDA #35 STA TIM64T LDA VPOS0 STA SCANL LDA #$08 STA INDE0 STA INDE1 LDA VPOS1 STA SCANL1 scan LDA INTIM BNE scan JMP vblank sprdata .byte $00,$81,$18,$24,$42,$81,$81,$99,$66 colors .byte $00,$71,$74,$74,$74,$76,$76,$78,$78 org $F7FC .word Start .word Start org $FFFC .word Start .word Start
2 Players.bin
Description: Binary data
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