Re: [stella] And now, something completely different... JAMMED v0.1

Subject: Re: [stella] And now, something completely different... JAMMED v0.1
From: "Thomas Jentzsch" <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 13:32:48 +0100
Eckhard Stolberg wrote:
> > I don't understand, what do you mean with "nessessary number of blank
> lines"? Decompressing random levels can take up to about 30 frames. So the
> TV won't get any VSYNC during that time. How could your suggestion work?
> I think you are right. It wouldn't work. But maybe you could use Glenn's
> sugestion. Check the switches at the start of the frame. If you need to
> decompress some levels, set up a timer for a full frame and decompress
> as many levels as you can during that frame. Then do a VSYNC and continue
> to decompress levels that way in as many frames as needed.

I have to check, but it would complicate and slow down decompressing a bit. I don't know how bad it looks on a real TV. If it's not to bad, i'll better save the bytes for something useful.

> BTW, I saw that you replied to Andrew's qb005 post too. Did you get
> the qb006 post, or has WEB.DE somehow eaten it?

Since last Friday i'm having problems getting mails from the stella list. Sometimes they arrive very delayed (up some days). And I have two addresses where the mailing list should sent me mail. The second one (not doesn't receive any mails at all since Friday. So I started forwarding from to the second address. 

Now it's getting complicated:
I received Andrew's Qb v0.06 mail only at the second address. It says that it was send on monday, and I didn't find anything about in the header. So i think it's one of the very last mails that was directly send to my second addres. 
And the same mail never arrived at Maybe the have a spam filter that doesn't like the subject?

Have fun!
Thomas Jentzsch         | *** Every bit is sacred ! ***
tjentzsch at web dot de |

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