Okay, I know this has got to be the lowest priority request ever, but does
anyone know if there are any plans to upgrade the support in z26 for the
internal speaker? At work that's all I've got (I know it would seem that
I'd prefer to have the sound off at work, but...) and I'm afraid I haven't
been hearing much (actually nothing at work with NT 4, SP6).
I tried at home on the PC with a soundcard to compare noises, and I've
noticed that, at least with This Planet Sucks (while I'm at it, where did
the TPS home page go? I noticed the link from Nick's was broken last week)
and Oystron very few sounds seem to make it out of the internal speaker at
all. When the Oystron ship crashed or when starting a new round in TPS you
could hear a little bit, but that was about all.
I then compiled Combat from a copy of nbcombat.asm I had laying around and
tried that. Though the movement sound of the tanks wasn't there, the shot
and hit sounds were relatively well done, though it sounded a little like
the shells had been sucking on helium before getting shot (ie, sounds were
a little high pitched).
I guess as much out of curiousity than anything else, what are the issues
related to getting the internal speaker to work with z26 and might there be
more work done on this option? Has anyone else tried out a few games and
had some success stories?
Thanks, and back to downloading 10+ megs of updates for my new UO:Third
Dawn beta over the 28.8... :(
Ruffin Bailey
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