Re: Aw: Re: [stella] OT: Virus at stellalist ? - VIRUS ALERT

Subject: Re: Aw: Re: [stella] OT: Virus at stellalist ? - VIRUS ALERT
From: Manuel Polik <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 23:59:56 +0200
Erik Mooney schrieb:

> >> I have been saving all my Stella list messages in a folder and this is the
> >> first post I've seen from you.
> >
> >No wonder. Since this was the first post seen from you too,
> >the virus couldn't send itself to you before :-)
> >
> >As far as I learned, the virus sends itself to people listed in the
> >inbox of the used mail tool of the infected machine.
> Actually, that's not quite true, this virus is a bit more clever. It grabs
> addresses by looking at files in the cache directory of Internet Explorer,
> which means it spreads very randomly and untraceably; much more so
> than just by looking at the Outlook address book.  See here for full info.

This truly is a beast of virus too, but thanks heaven it was _not_ the
virus Phillip had sending to me :-)
(I don't recall it's name, it was not touching the registry like the
sircam virus, but modifying win.ini instead)


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