Hey all,
I just got back from a trip and read through many mails concerning
2600/TIA schematics. Do I understand correctly? Does someone actually have
the 2600-in-a-chip plans laying around? I have hunted them unsuccessfuly
for some time now. If someone has them or they are around somewhere please
fill me in. I badly want them to use for Afterlife Interactive's portable
2600 project, the AI Classic. Without those plans the project is little
more than a dream. Also, I will happily help everyone to get it
manufactured at low cost here in Taiwan. I have no desire to hoard my
successes and will happily make the chips for the VCSp or any other VCS
project but I need those plans first. What are the legal entanglements of
the plans? Who officially owns them? I don't think it would be a problem,
but you never know and I should be careful after drawing a bit of attention
from Infogrames awhile ago with my heavy inquiries into Atari hardware IP
rights. Anyway, someone please e-mail me about those plans and if you are
interested in the AI Classic I will be posting detailed ramblings about what
it should and shouldn't be to our website some time in early September. I
am too busy right now with a other projects (the AI Studio/2600 Studio,
Blank Cart Depot, Duel Of Dragon and Tiger) to really finish it before then.
Later all.
Christopher Rydberg
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