Subject: Re: [stella] Real 3D Space Calculations From: Jake Patterson <jpatters@xxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:06:32 -0400 (EDT) |
> First Byte: > > 1. Bit + or - movement on the X-Axxis > 2-3. Bit speed 0 - 3 on the X-Axxis > 4. Bit + or - movement on the Y-Axxis > 5-6. Bit speed 0 - 3 on the Y-Axxis > > Second Byte > > 1. Bit + or - movement on the Z-Axxis > 2-3. Bit speed 0 - 3 on the Z-Axxis > (4-6. Bit encodes the # & position of atom copies, > we might need that later :-)) > > > This leaves 4 Bits unused at the moment, > Maybe they'd be of use for something... > > So in summ I'd have 5 Byte per atom in my > space cube. > > (I'd need another 5 Byte for each enemy shot, > if I'd track it with this sytem for example) Assuming the shots don't loop around forever but rather disappear quickly and also asuming the enemy cannot manuver very much before it's shots disappear, you could use the extra bits in your second byte to keep track of a shot. You would need one bit to flag the existance of the shot and three bits to count how long ago the shot was fired, then calculate its position relitive to the enemy that fired it. Obviously that would only work for really fast moving or really short ranged shots. -- |@ ]@[ @| |@ ]@[ @| /@@@@@\ |@@@@@@@@@| /@@@@@\ +@@@@@@@@K |@@@| J@ ]@[ @K ;@@@^@@@;|@@@@@@@@@|;@@@^@@@; |@@@| \@@@L |@@@| .@| ]@[ |@. J@@' `@@K |@@@| J@@' `@@K |@@@| /@@@K |@@@| J@' ]@[ `@K ;@@@@@@@@@; |@@@| ;@@@@@@@@@; |@@@@@@@@L |@@@| J@F ]@[ `@K J@@@@@@@@@K |@@@| J@@@@@@@@@K |@@@|\@@@\ |@@@| J@@' ]@[ `@@K ;@@@@ @@@@; |@@@| ;@@@@ @@@@;|@@@| `@@@L |@@@| J@@P ]@[ 9@@K J@@@V ?@@@K |@@@| J@@@V ?@@@K|@@@| \@@@|@@@| @@P ]@[ 9@@K - Archives (includes files) at Unsub & more at
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