Re: [stella] Star Fire - Return of the Starfield ?!? (was: Strange Z26 (real thing?) behaviour discovered...)

Subject: Re: [stella] Star Fire - Return of the Starfield ?!? (was: Strange Z26 (real thing?) behaviour discovered...)
From: Thomas Jentzsch <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2002 08:45:18 +0200
Manuel wrote:
> That won't work. +8 does the trick, nothing else.
> Consider this:
> Horizontal scrolling works with +-1 and vertical 
> scrolling with +-8 pixels. 
> If you shift only a single line with anything else than 
> +8, the vertical scrolling is out of sync immediately.

Hm, I do not understand:
1. Why is vertical scrolling limited to 8 pixels? (your demo 
scrolls with single pixels in both directions)
2. Why can't you correct the x-position for the first star
*outside* the kernel and then HMOVE with every value
you like?

> Total randomness won't work, since you've to *repeat* 
> what you're doing every frame, but I'll experiment with 
> that. 

You know that there is no "Total randomness" in a computer. ;-) 

> Depends on how many cycles remain in the end.
> Non-mirrored sprites first, then fancy colors :-)



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