Subject: [stella] Thin Red Line bugs From: Rodrigo <stella@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 04:18:56 -0300 |
Hi! As my last posts suggests, Im just crawling in the world of Atari programming. And I started out, as I believe lots of ppl did (or at least should), with the amazing "2600 101", a tutorial by Kirk Israel. At some point in his tutorial, Kirk presents a very simple code, called "Red Thin Line". Supposed to be one's 1st program, its fully commented, shows a few basic and interesing tricks, explaining everything in baby steps. The idea is simple: a vertical thin red line moving horizontaly across the screen. Basically, you set P0/M0 colour, enable M0, set its movement to -1 and do nothing else for the rest of your life. Piece of cake. (for you, i mean. For me, it took about 3 days to fully understanding it! :) Problem is: in both PCAE and Z26, the line seems far from red. Its somewhat orange/brown. And, most bizarre, there is a "misterious dot" that shows up at the top end of the line, slightly "out of line" (kind of "delayed" 1 "pixel"). And this dot only appears when the line passes to the rightmost half of the screen. Have any of you ever noticed that? So I pick as my 1st exercice the task of rewriting "Thin Red Line" with my "own words", correcting both problems. I succesfully did it, and now I present you my code (for laughing or crying, you pick). There are several questions among the comments... please feel absolutely free to make any corrections, suggestions, recomendations, whatever, about style, conventions, "algorithms" used, anything you think is worth pointing out. I certainly won't be insulted, and even stuff like "You're completely clueless" is welcome. :) I just need to know if Im in the right path (or, at least, how far from it I am...) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; thin blue rod by Rodrigo Silva ; based on "thin red line", part of "2600 101" tutorial by Kirk Israel processor 6502 include vcs.h org $1000 ;ok, I know $F000 is the standart, but as I still ;couldn't figure out why the ROM origin convention is ;the $Fxxx mirror instead of the "plain" original $1xxx ;I will use $1000 as it seems a lot more natural to me ; I know I will be crucified, but i ripped off all the ClearMem codes, for ; several reasons. 1st, no need to clear RAM I wont use, or set flags that ; wont interfere with the program (like SEI). 2nd, both PCAE and Z26 already do ; this "housekeeping" and start themselves with everything reset. Im aware that ; this is not good programming practice, and if one would run this in a real VCS ; things would not be so smooth. But this is not the case, the point here is to ; make the code as small and simple as possible, and go down to bussiness :) Start LDA #$1E ; Changed the background color from the original black STA COLUBK ; to a bright yellow. It gives some clues about the ; "misterious dot". LDA #$80 ; For contrast purposes, changed line color from "red" STA COLUP0 ; to blue. ; Here is the 1st bug in the original code: the missile color was #33, which is ; 21 in hex, corresponding to a somewhat dark-orange/light-brown that had ; nothing to do with red. Guess the intented color was #$33 (#51), which is far ; more similar to red (althought I think #$40 or #$42 is more appropriate) LDA #2 ; enabling Missile 0 STA ENAM0 ; Btw, is it ok to enable an object even before the ; 1st Vsync? LDA #$F0 ; Setting Missile 0 "speed" (horiz. movement) to -1 STA HMM0 MainLoop LDA #2 ; Simple VSync blow off. Almost identical to original STA VBLANK ; except for the VBLANK which is set here instead of STA VSYNC ; at the end of the loop. I did so so it could be set on STA WSYNC ; the very 1st frame. Is this OK? I also ripped off the STA WSYNC ; timer stuff because i rather use the simple and, as STA WSYNC ; far as i know, more accurate DEX/BNE loop for waiting LDA #0 ; Such a loop is used in the original code in the STA VSYNC ; Overscan routine. As it seemed a very neat loop, i ; used it everywhere needed. LDX #37 ; Set the loop counter: 37 vertical blank lines VBlankLoop DEX ; DEX is the 1st statement of the loop, so loop counter STA WSYNC ; ranges from 36 to 0, which i think is a good BNE VBlankLoop ; convention. Btw, is it? STX VBLANK ; Clear VBlank LDX #192 ; Set 192 scanlines and blow them off :) ScanLoop DEX STA WSYNC BNE ScanLoop LDX #30 ; Set 30 Overscan lines and guess what? OverScanWait DEX STA WSYNC ; Yes, you're right: blow them! :) BNE OverScanWait STA HMOVE ; At the end of the frame, move the Missile ; In my opinion, the HMOVE handling is the heart of the "misterious dot". I ; tried to place it at the end of the frame, so in the 1st frame the line is ; drawn at position 0. Also, every dot in the line is drawn together, and every ; visible scanline is done before the HMOVE. This is the only way i can ; guarantee there will be no "out-of-sync" dots. Btw, Im aware that a HMOVE must ; be *immediatly* after a WSYNC, but... being just a single BNE apart could be ; considered "immediatly after" ? JMP MainLoop org $1FFC .word Start .word Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The original thin red line is as follows... the "misterious dot" can be seen in both pcae and z26. If the background color is changed from $00 (black) to anything else (say, $1E), the background becomes visible, and weird things can be seen (which im sure can lead to understanting the origin of the misterious dot). Unfortunately im too rookie to debug even such a simple code, and I still dont know exactly what is messing up. The only thing I was able to do (and im very proud of) was rewriting the whole kernel in a way i think is more time-accurate, simple and thus more "bug-proof" than before. It worked flawlessly, but the exact bug reason is still a mistery to me. An out-of-sync dot? that shows up only half of the time? Its beyond my knowledge. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; thin red line by Kirk Israel processor 6502 include vcs.h org $F000 Start SEI CLD LDX #$FF TXS LDA #0 ClearMem STA 0,X DEX BNE ClearMem LDA #$1E STA COLUBK LDA #$80 STA COLUP0 MainLoop LDA #2 STA VSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC STA WSYNC LDA #43 STA TIM64T LDA #0 STA VSYNC WaitForVblankEnd LDA INTIM BNE WaitForVblankEnd LDY #191 STA VBLANK LDA #$F0 STA HMM0 STA WSYNC STA HMOVE ScanLoop STA WSYNC LDA #2 STA ENAM0 DEY BNE ScanLoop LDA #2 STA WSYNC STA VBLANK LDX #30 OverScanWait STA WSYNC DEX BNE OverScanWait JMP MainLoop org $FFFC .word Start .word Start ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Files on zip: - redline.asm - the original, uncommented source of "thin red line" - redline2.asm - the same from above, but heavily commented by the author. - redline.bin - the binary from redline.asm / redline2.asm (they compile the same code) - blueline.bin - exacty the same code, only difference being BK and M0 color codes. Reveals hidden secrets! :) - bluerod.asm - the "thin red line" done my way, newbie way, but (apparently) bug-free way. Actually, my 1st Atari code, and 1st listing posted here - bluerod.bin - the corresponding binary, ready to go! :)
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