Re: [stella] Star Fire: 1 step forward 2 steps back :-)

Subject: Re: [stella] Star Fire: 1 step forward 2 steps back :-)
From: Manuel Polik <cybergoth@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 03 Dec 2002 22:47:44 +0100
Hi Adam!

> Manuel--is it possible for you to release a binary 
> with the title page bank removed?  I ask because I 
> have plenty of PCBs and 2732s that are happy with 4K 
> games, but currently no way to test an 8K game on the 
> real hardware. 

This is no longer possible the *easy* way as in earlier 
versions, since I've implemented some more dependencies 
& communication between both banks and their jobs by 
now. It'd be too much work to further support a 4K game 
only ROM, I'm sorry.


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