Re: [stella] My very latest trick :-)

Subject: Re: [stella] My very latest trick :-)
From: Thomas Jentzsch <tjentzsch@xxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 22:39:51 +0100
Manuel wrote:
>Phew... pulling Boulder Dash is definetely an ultra-hard 
>task for the VCS. 

Yes, and I like that!

>- The scrolling

Shouldn't be a big problem. I only have to reduce the playfield 
to 11.5*x.

>- The cropped playfield of only 12*x

I think this shouldn't be big enough. IIRC there exists a 
Gameboy version of Boulderdash too and there the playfield was 
smaller than on the C64 too. Does anybody have a screenshot?

>The end result might become a perfect game like Dig Dug 
>or a pile of crap like Mr. Do - or anything between :-)

Either perfect or nothing! :-)

>Paradroid or Dino Eggs (Ha! I know you like these!) 
>might be better fitting the VCS I think - but it'd 
>certainly be interesting to see with what solutions 
>you'd come up for Boulder Dash, too :-)

Paradroid or Dino Eggs are still on my list. 

Have fun!	

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