Re: [stella] Potential supplier of plastic cartridge cases found!

Subject: Re: [stella] Potential supplier of plastic cartridge cases found!
From: Joe Grand <joe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 00:29:40 -0500
AtariAge and I have also been exploring this possibility. Since AA already has the established store, I think it also makes sense to have a single point-of-contact for the distribution of the cart cases. AA will undoubtably be the largest customer of the shells. As Albert mentioned, we'd be importing several thousand shells at once, which will probably help to bring the cost down.

I have no problem following through with the company tommorrow, but don't want to step on anyone else's toes.


At 08:14 PM 1/26/2003, you wrote:
It does not make sense for multiple people to supply these cases to the
homebrew community.  Were you plannin to pursue this further, or should I

Rob Mundschau

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