Re: [stella] single digit scoring...

Subject: Re: [stella] single digit scoring...
From: Erik Mooney <erik@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2003 01:10:25 -0400
On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 20:39:46 -0400, you wrote:

>And an in between method might be:
>Setup Everything during Vertical Blank/Overscan:
>     LDA p0score ;accumulator = score
>     ROL ;accumulator = score * 2
>     ROL ;accumulator = score * 4
>     ADC p0score  ;accumulator = (score * 4) + score = score * 5
>     STA TempOffsetValue
>In the Kernal:
>       LDX #5
>       STA WSYNC
>       LDY TempOffsetValue
>       LDA Score0Graphic,y
>       STA GRP0
>       DEX
>       BNE Loop
>- Fastest in the Kernal and only uses 1 byte RAM but uses up both X and Y registers....

Actually, that's going to load the same value every time since you don't
change Y in the loop.  Try this:

      LDX #5
      LDY TempOffsetValue
       STA WSYNC
       LDA Score0Graphic,y
       STA GRP0
       BNE Loop

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