RE: [stella] skipDraw explained (I hope) (was: bipolar joustpong)

Subject: RE: [stella] skipDraw explained (I hope) (was: bipolar joustpong)
From: "Dennis Debro" <ddebro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2003 08:13:02 -0400
Hi Eric,

> The key is the NOP_W, which is an equate for $0C, which is the opcode
> abs.  (An illegal/undocumented version of NOP. 
> The other advantage is this routine is always the same number of

I know he uses NOP_W to get constant cycles. What I didn't see was how y
and yPosP0 are set before coming into the kernel. He has it set it such
a way that y is the correct value to load the graphics.

As Manuel pointed out, it's how the graphics data is setup in ROM and
how yPosP0 is calculated.

Take care,

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