Re: [stella] he got game

Subject: Re: [stella] he got game
From: KirkIsrael@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 7 Sep 2003 14:02:08 -0000
> Hi Kirk!
> > * Anyone know a better Fuji symbol that fits in 8 
> > pixels wide? ;-)
> Here's the shape I'm using in Gunfight:
>        .byte %01001001
>        .byte %00101010
>        .byte %00101010
>        .byte %00101010
>        .byte %00010100
>        .byte %00010100
>        .byte %00010100
> ...not sure if it's an improvement though ;-)

Just a plug, I was able to see this by cutting and pasting
that snippet into ...
...and yeah, I think I like mine (which might be the same
pinball used, except with a crossbar) better....and at some
point i'd like to give alternating frames for the sides and 
middle a try.

"No why.  Just here."  -John Cage, Life Magazine's "Why are we here"

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