Re: [stella] TIA AUDC0

Subject: Re: [stella] TIA AUDC0
From: ecwilkso@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2003 12:39:53 -0400
Those are wire-nor circuits. to a meeting.
Btu that should get you started.


Quoting Adam Wozniak <adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Can anyone explain what the "4 bit", "5 bit", and "9 bit" polynomials
> mean for the TIA AUDC0/1 settings from a digital logic point of view?
> I've reviewed the TIA schematic, and TIASound.[ch] from the Stella emulator,
> but things still seem fairly cryptic; parts of the schematic have resistors
> which don't actually seem to be tied to anything, and odd open circles which
> I cannot discern the meaning of.
> Has anyone ever puzzled out the actual values for the "9 bit" polynomial?
> -- 
> adam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Will code for food.
> "It seems I'm doomed to have .sigs which nobody can understand."
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