Aw: Re: [stella] The Multi-Sprite Trick

Subject: Aw: Re: [stella] The Multi-Sprite Trick
From: cybergoth@xxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 17:24:11 +0200 (CEST)
Hi Paul!

> Although Stellar Track uses a different trick to move the sprites 8 pixels 
> left in one HMOVE (you have to hit HMOVE early to do this.)

Hm... I may be wrong, but I got the impression that the sprites move only 7 pixels left and right. So it does only allow 7 pixel wide fonts. To get the whole thing working with only one charset, all letters are LSR'd every other scannline.

I once thought wether it probably was possible to always RESP in one line and then only shift 8 pixels to the right in the second line to get the full 8 pixel resolution. Well, so far I never had the nerve to further investigate that... ;-)


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