Here's a very early testbed of 3E bankswitched bitmap graphics, implemented
as a 10x10 character window into a 128 character x 20 character map. The
map size is arbitrary, limited only by RAM. Speed is very slow, but I have
some major speedups coming (really!). There are some glitches on the
screen -- areas I'm avoiding writing for now, for reasons to do with
memory/access issues with RAM and page boundary crossing.
The zip file has the latest source, NTSC and PAL demos, and a screenshot.
Note, the graphics are arbitrary mockups, and there's a woofin screen shake
there, which I currently am unable to find. Have a look at the source code,
though -- it's an amazing system in action. There may be a lot of dead-wood
in there, and don't believe all the comments :)
Those with Krokodile Kart, or Cuttle Cart 2 will be able to view the
binaries -- or those with the rumoured Z26 that supports 3E mode. All
others will have to drool over the screenshot ;)
Description: Zip compressed data