Re: [stella] notBD 0.11 - scrolling screen demo with large map

Subject: Re: [stella] notBD 0.11 - scrolling screen demo with large map
From: "Andrew Davie" <atari2600@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 23:57:52 +1100
Here's an update on my system. KK and CC owners can run the binaries -- uses 3E bankswitching. Others may be interested in the MPG at... -- 3.4MB
Please ignore the glitchy first line in the MPG -- this is due to my use of prototype hardware.
This version shows one player sprite running around. The system is actually updating two sprites per line, but only one is being shown. I'll put the second sprite in, under 2P control, shortly, just to prove a point ;)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrew Davie" <atari2600@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <stella@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 11:35 PM
Subject: Re: [stella] notBD 0.11 - scrolling screen demo with large map

The video looks promising. Is the cursor already a sprite?

No. I DO have enough time left to be able to include a player sprite (maybe two!), and will do that soon. The system is designed so that I can have independant scrolling windows for a 2 player mode, too.

I have found a way to update two sprites per line with the system! Cheers A

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