Re: Using the disable-output-escaping attribute

Subject: Re: Using the disable-output-escaping attribute
From: James Clark <jjc@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 1999 17:29:18 +0700
Chuck White wrote:
> I doubt if anyone else on the list cares, but the disable-output-escaping
> attribute is a savior for producing newspaper classified markup (a lot of
> newspaper typesetting systems use < and >). I asked if this was possible
> before the latest draft was released, and I got the anwser I thought I would
> ("no"). There must have been enough other people looking at ways to do this
> kind of thing:
> <xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&lt;</xsl:text>

The disable-output-escaping attribute is best for those cases where you
are producing something that is almost HTML or XML but not quite (eg XML
with some ASP or JSP directives). If you are producing something that is
not at all like XML, it's easier just to add a top-level declaration:

<xsl:output method="text"/>


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