RE: How Can You Exit an xsl:for-each Loop Prematurely?

Subject: RE: How Can You Exit an xsl:for-each Loop Prematurely?
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 1999 09:52:39 +0100
> The actual transformation is to see if any CODE attribute in 
> the METADATA matches any SupCat in the StringMap and if it does then 
> output the iCat value.
> BUT I want to output only one match, i.e., if there is more 
> than one match (as
> in this case GB and ODD both match) I want only one of them.

I haven't looked at your example in detail but there is always the option of
a recursive solution as an alternative to iteration. It's easy to terminate
a recursion wherever you want. The only caveat is that it may have
n-squared-over-2 performance as each step in the recursion evaluates the
node set anew.

Mike Kay

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