RE: null pointer exception in Saxon

Subject: RE: null pointer exception in Saxon
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 12:01:02 +0100
> I'm using the extension functions in Saxon to integrate a 
> Java Hashtable into a stylesheet, but get a null point exception when 
> testing a null value.

In investigating this, I've found other problems in using the Java Hashtable
class from a Saxon stylesheet. The methods put() and get() take arbitrary
Objects as their values, so Saxon doesn't do the type conversion you might
expect. This has odd effects, for example after 
<xsl:value-of select="hashtable:put($table, 'Mike', 'Kay')"/>
<xsl:value-of select="hashtable:put($table, 'Mike', 'King')"/>
you will have two entries in the table, because the two keys are not
considered equal.

The moral is, stick to simple data type mappings! To use the Hashtable
class, you probably need to put a wrapper around it. I'm trying to improve
the mapping rules for the next version.

Mike K

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