Omnimark and XSL cooperation

Subject: Omnimark and XSL cooperation
From: Paul Terray <terray@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2000 14:35:58 +0100

I want to make OmniMark and XSLT cooperate, as I have seen the advantage of both languages.

As a user of Omnimark, I am trying to use XSL only for a small task (XML -> HTML). I am using SureSpeed (the process distribution server of Omnimark) and want to export the XML result to a XSLT process. Is there any easy way, either to :
- have a XSLT process driven by Omnimark ?
- filter with the output of an ISAPI process like Surespeed by another ISAPI process like cocoon ?
- handle any XML output by a script to HTML using XSLT, server-side ?

Thanks in advance.
Paul Terray - terray@xxxxxxxxxxxx
tel : 01 34 58 70 76

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