RE: a special char question

Subject: RE: a special char question
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 09:48:54 +0100
> I have a piece of XML
> 	<LOG TIME="Fri Jun 23 08:28:59 GMT+02:00 2000"
> LEVEL="1">&#x3c;&#x26;&#x3e;</LOG>
> However, in my browser I see
> Fri Jun 23 08:40:40 GMT+02:00 2000 <6162
> instead of
> Fri Jun 23 08:40:40 GMT+02:00 2000 <&>
> Stylesheet:
> 	<FONT SIZE="2"><b><xsl:value-of
> disable-output-escaping="yes" select="."/></b></FONT>

I can't see why you're using disable-output-escaping. This is for use when
you want special characters such as "<" in text to be interpreted as markup,
the default action is to treat them as character data, which is what you

Telling us what your browser shows isn't very useful; it's the generated
HTML that's interesting. I suspect the generated HTML is "<&>" and the
browser is trying its best to make sense of it, which it isn't doing very
successfully. What you want to generate is "&lt;&amp;&gt;"

Mike Kay

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