Re: XSL/T Engine Comparisons

Subject: Re: XSL/T Engine Comparisons
From: "Sebastian Rahtz" <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 24 Jun 2000 23:36:42 +0100 (BST)
Paul Tchistopolskii writes:
 > When I was experimenting with different XSLT engines, 
 > I found that only XT survived processing of  large documents, 
 > all other engines fail to scale  - the result usually was the 
 > "blow up" described above.

I would have agreed, until the 5.3 generation of Saxon. Have you been
able to push that over yet? I have not.

 > Unfortunately, SAXON lacks some things which I'm using 
 > in XT and it is not as compact as XT ( because SAXON 
 > is solving many-many problems which are not interesting 
 > to me). 

if only James would add support for key()....


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