Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests

Subject: Re: My favourite XSLT enhancement requests
From: "Lassi A. Tuura" <lat@xxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 11:17:00 +0200
> There are many proposals for additional features that would convert XSLT
> to the complete (and let's be honest, the *procedural* rather than
> *declarative*) programming language.

Personally I am not interested in that great a revision.  I think the
language as it is now is very good.  I'd prefer some syntactic sugar and
added power in a few wisely chosen places: something like xsl:function
for another way of having a named template -- not even escaping to a
scripting language, and perhaps evaluate(). (And the already agreed
conversion of RTF to node-set and known issues like regexps.)

I think dynamically scoped parameters would be useful, but I recognise
they have drawbacks.  Someone wiser decide if they should go in.

If anybody knows how to get back to the original documents once you've
done apply-templates on a document(), I'd appreciate a hint.  Best I've
been able to come up with is two passes, using RTF->node set to gather
all the necessary interesting details into one big variable and consult
that as I go.  Then again, that might give the best performance anyway
since I'll have to generate index, glossaries, biblio and TOCs on the
fly anyway. :-/  Multi-document() keys/indices with ability to restrict
them to node subsets on lookup would be a help.

Hmm, this is starting to sound like I really ought to be using a
database and one of the database-aware XSL engines...  But for now, I
need to stick to files.

Whoever said that love is blind was dead wrong.  Love is
the only thing on earth that lets us see each other with
the remotest accuracy.  --Martha Beck

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