Re: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl...)

Subject: Re: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl...)
From: Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 21:16:52 +0100
On Tue, Jun 25, 2002 at 09:59:12PM +0200, J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Why? I keep a command line XSLT processor at hand. Ant has
> a built-in task for generating HTML in larger batches. And
> for the really hard cases, Cocoon has a command line
> interface too...

you assume we are all Java heads, I think. 

anyway, when I want to view a file I am working on, I hit
"reload" in my web browser. The fact that it points to
http://localhost/foo/bar/index.xml rather than file:///foo/bar/index.xml
is immaterial. It is a lot easier than going to a command line
and running a transform, clogging up my hard disk with rubbish HTML,
and then firing up the browser. 

really, I am not being awkward. Having AxKit sit on my local
web server looking after all the dull work really is efficient
and pleasant to work with. the only occasion I run a processor
by hand is when its doing a big job like transforming my gravestones,
which is a 10 minute job.

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431

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