Re: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl...)

Subject: Re: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl...)
From: "J.Pietschmann" <j3322ptm@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 23:25:10 +0200
Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
you assume we are all Java heads, I think.

That a tool is written in Java does not necessarily mean that you have to have Java knowledge to use it. In particular, XML knowledge is much more useful than Java when you have to write build files or sitemaps :)

anyway, when I want to view a file I am working on, I hit
"reload" in my web browser. The fact that it points to
http://localhost/foo/bar/index.xml rather than file:///foo/bar/index.xml
is immaterial. It is a lot easier than going to a command line
and running a transform, clogging up my hard disk with rubbish HTML,
and then firing up the browser.

I agree that it is easier to work this style if you are editing an XML file and want to check regularly how it looks to the user, in particular if the local server mirrors the actual publishing configuration.

Another use case is to search a file in a file manager
and drag it into a browser. This works great with either
the PI in XML and with prepared HTML.
I guess I'm just too lazy to set up a server which sees
my whole harddisk and is configured so that not everybody
else on the internet can do the same (what's your IP
number? :-)


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