[xsl] Immediate help required (Perl and xsl)

Subject: [xsl] Immediate help required (Perl and xsl)
From: Srinivas Ch <sideburnch@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 01:18:09 -0700 (PDT)
Hallo Everyone,
I required some help for programming in Perl and xsl. 
First in Perl:
I have a directory structure like this
I use File::Basename for getting the path and the file
name. I need to get only the name of the directory
"xml" that has Reference.xml (this is just an example,
I need to alway get the name of the directory that has
xml files, in this case its "xml" directory), so how
to do this.

Second in Perl and xsl:
1. I need to send a parameter from Perl script to xsl.
This parameter is directory structure. How to do this?

2. How do I access this parameter in my xsl file?
Can someone give an example for this.

Third in xsl:
I'm generating a XML document from a xsl stylesheet. I
have a variable like this:
<xsl:variable name="doctype_string"
select="concat('//DTDs V',$version,' //EN//')"/>
So I concatinate this. Now I need to print this in the
header of xml document using doctype-public attribute,
thats like this:
<xt:document href="{file}" type="xml"
When I do this, I have $doctype_string printed in the
header. So what is a method to print the concatinated
string "doctype_string" in the doctype header.
I have tried out doctype-public="{$doctype_string}"
too but this is printed in the header

Thanks in advance

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