RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable c annot be resolved.

Subject: RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable c annot be resolved.
From: "bryan" <bry@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 10:24:49 +0100
>If you only had exposure to math, and not to procedural programming,
>use of the term "variable" would seem entirely natural.

And if someone has a wide exposure to math the procedural use of
"variable" can be really irritating. 

>Who learns XSLT (or PostScript or Forth or Lisp) as a first programming


Who learned Forth or Lisp as a first programming language? There must
have been somebody sometime. 

Hmm, who learned logo first that's what I want to know. 

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