RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable c annot be resolved.

Subject: RE: xslt core and intuition was RE: [xsl] Reference to variable c annot be resolved.
From: "Roger Glover" <glover_roger@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:52:58 -0600
Lars Nyman wrote:

> > Who learned Forth or Lisp as a first programming language? There must
> > have been somebody sometime.
> In 1982 at Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) the first
> language that was taught to the incoming students was ML.  In the second
> quarter they taught us Pascal, but we had to first solve the programming
> assignments in ML and then "translate" that solution to Pascal.

I would suggest that that must have been a rare program, even in 1982.  It
would be even rarer since then after two trends that began in the
    - the demise of "AI"
    - the explosion of procedural-based object technology

-- Roger Glover

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