[xsl] Where to get XSLT training

Subject: [xsl] Where to get XSLT training
From: Esther_Strom@xxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 16:39:27 -0500
Forgive me if this kind of query isn't allowed on the list, but I've been
having a really hard time with this. Can anyone recommend a school
(university, vocational school, training center, etc.) in the Chicago area
that offers semester-long classes (or something more than a 2-day seminar,
anyway) on XSLT and XSL-FO?

Any information appreciated.
| E S T H E R  S T R O M, CLPP |
| Notes Application Development|
| McDougal Littell             |
| 909 Davis Street             |
| Evanston, IL 60201 USA       |
| w: 847.424.3209              |
| e: esther_strom@xxxxxxxx     |

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