Re: [xsl] FO: padding within list problem (really FOP)

Subject: Re: [xsl] FO: padding within list problem (really FOP)
From: Ralph Holz <ralph.holz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 10:31:01 +0200

Umm, the full range from "this space is too small to fit longer
explanations" to, well, laziness. Take a pick...

I pick "laziness" ;-).

It works very well for fo:table for me - strange. Just tested it again
by adjusting and changing values for padding-bottom - definitely
interpreted, and correctly on top of it.

Ah, well.

Do you know if padding for tables is going to be properly implemented in future FOP versions? Just want to make sure my code doesn't produce any undesired results when they switch the framework to a newer FOP version.

I'm not sure whether padding even makes much sense for table rows. This
ought to conflict with common expectations if the row and the table
cells therein also have borders.

That's true. But if it's not implemented and you want visible space between table rows you would have to set the padding property for each table cell. Or use space-* - again, for each cell.

If I understand the spec correctly, table-row may have "common border/margin/padding properties" - i.e. padding-* would be ok. space-* doesn't fall into that category.

>> The biggest problem is actually that space-before/after is forced.
FOP reserves the space nevertheless, i.e. it behaves like MS Word, which
probably explains why this misfeature doesn't cause more complaints.

Thanks for that warning - changed some code so it will work when this one's fixed, too.


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