Re: [xsl] FO: padding within list problem (really FOP)

Subject: Re: [xsl] FO: padding within list problem (really FOP)
From: Ralph Holz <ralph.holz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 09:56:42 +0200

>>>> say "blocks" they do mean the XSL definition of a block as an area,
>>>> and not the <fo:block> element?
>> It means fo:block, fo:block-container (except for positioning bugs)
>> and fo:table-cell (with even more caveats). I don't think it would

Why don't they say so more explicitly on

Reading "only implemented for blocks", I either think of "all
block-level elements" as defined in the formatting model, or of
<fo:block> (ok, and container).

>> ever work on fo:table, fo:table-row, fo:list-block and the other list >> FOs. Note that padding isn't an inheritable property.

It works very well for fo:table for me - strange. Just tested it again
by adjusting and changing values for padding-bottom - definitely
interpreted, and correctly on top of it.

It does not work for fo:list-*, however, and also not for fo:table-row.

>>>> FOP compliance table says that implementation of space-after is only
>>>> partial - only space-after.optimum supported. Hm.
>> The biggest problem is actually that space-before/after is forced.

What do you mean?

>>>> Anyway, using space-after doesn't solve the problem of later list
>>>> items "moving up".
>> That's strange, I always thought space-before/after is applied even on
>> empty blocks.

In my example it wasn't. I can send you a code snippet, if you want. I only managed by introducing an NBS if the block would otherwise have been empty.


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